November 25, 2012
Hey guys!
Right, so I know that I have been completely ignoring this blog. I don't even know why but, it's been neglected by me so yeah. I've just been so stressed lately with so much homework and coursework because just in case you didn't know I started Sixth Form in September and I changed schools so I've just been trying to sort myself out and try and settle in. I know, I know, it's no excuse for not positing regularly but it's hard so please bear with me.
I am definitely definitely definitely going to be uploading more regularly now that I have sorted out most of my coursework and I'm on track although I have a few deadlines due before Christmas so I might not post a lot but I definitely will be updating!
Nothing interesting has really happened recently so I don't have much to add but I am so so so so so excited for Christmas! Christmas is literally the best time of year, and I'm so excited to buy all my Christmas decorations for my room and maybe even show you guys how I've decided to decorate my room this year?
Hope you're all well, and I will be back very shortly with a new blog post some time this week.
Much love xxxx