H&M Home Haul

February 05, 2013

01. Unscented Candle - £1

02. Storage Pots - £3.99 & £2.99

03. Bow Hooks - £3.99

04. Tea Light Holder - £1

So recently I went on a massive spend up in the Stratford Westfield and I thought I'd show you's what I bought from the home section in H&M. First of all, since when did H&M start selling home stuff?!

01: Unscented Candle - £1
When I saw this candle I just fell in love with it! Although, it is unscented which I'm gutted about but I think it'll just make such a cute decoration and look really cute in my room. There's also something very Chanel-esque about it, don't you think? I don't know. I just think it looks really classy and feminine with an edge and for £1 you can't really go wrong can you!?

02. Storage Pots - £3.99 (bigger one) & £2.99 (smaller one)
For ages and ages I had been on the hunt for some sort of cute pots where I could store my makeup brushes and I was watching a beauty gurus haul on youtube when she mentioned that H&M home were selling nice pots that were perfect for storing makeup brushes so, I went along and came across these 2 lovely black pots which are perfect for my brushes! I'd definitely recommend popping along to your local H&M and checking them out and they have them in so many different colours as well!

03. Bow Hooks - £3.99
Okay, so the main reason why I bought these hooks was too hang my necklaces on them as I used to have other hooks where I kept my jewellery but after re-decorating my room they don't match anymore and I can't paint over them so when I saw these I had to get them! They're just really simple and cute and will add a nice touch to my room, also, they had so many other colours so if you're looking for any hooks get yourself down there!

04. Tea Light Holder - £1
This was kind of a random purchase and I wasn't really looking for it/needed it but I saw the £1 sticker and thought why not? I've been trying to get my room to feel really cosy and homely so I thought I might as well by this and I'm sure I'll find some sort of use for it even if it's not used for a candle!

How was your weekend?

Hannah x

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  1. Everything is so lovely. What a sweet little collection of items.

  2. Das ist auch mein Geschmack. Hätte ich mir sicherlich auch in dieser Form zugelegt.

